North Head

by - 3/20/2015

New Zealand is not a small country but a large village.
-Peter Jackson

Happy first day of Spring! but sadly it's currently snowing over here... If you follow me on Instagram you can see what I mean HERE.

Today I'm sharing one of my favourite spot in Auckland- The North Head at Devonport. It is a volcanic cone that gives an amazing 360 view of Auckland harbour and its surrounding. It used to be a pilot station to guide the ships into the harbour. As well as a military defense coastal guard with gun batteries and underground tunnels during WWI. I love the place because of the gorgeous view of the city- not for its history. 

My attire was a simple old "Jane Austen" style summer dress. The empire waistline had all the gossiping mums asking if I am preggo. No, it's just my food baby thank you very much... =.=" I wore a Seafolly bikini underneath- it's kinda showing in some pics. 

Looking at these pics made me so nostalgic! New Zealand really have the prettiest clouds and sky! Thus for the Maori name- "Aoteroa" "Land of the long white clouds" <3 

I hope everyone had a great week so far! It's been a busy week full of surprises for me. Until next time! and thanks for stopping by! xx

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