
by - 10/21/2014

"Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liquors in one go."

-Truman Capote 

Ciao~ So I'm back from my holiday/vacation… and am currently suffering from PHWS aka-post holiday withdrawal syndrome… It's been an amazing 8 days traveling around the West Coast for the first time. I can't wait to share with you all what I've wore during this trip!

I've always dreamt of visiting Venice… but since it's a bit far from where we live The Venetian will have to do for now. We arrived in Vegas in the late evening, after we picked up our rental car & checked in to our amazing suite we walked down the Strip to explore. It was a loooooong walk… so by the time we reached the Venetian I was soooo exhausted & tired- the time differences doesn't help too. It was already 3am Eastern time & I just wanted to sleep! 

This is the outfit I wore on the plane. I love these comfy stretchy leggings from Uniqlo! I usually don't got with bright coloured pants, but these were on an irresistible clearance price of just $6! So I took my chances & got it! They go perfectly well with white tops, which I have too many to count.

I absolutely adore this kimono! I just couldn't resist the blossom prints!! I usually layered it with shorts & summer dresses, but the ombre of yellow & greens just goes with this crazy bright yellow pants!

To give it a more Autumn feel I styled the outfit with cream booties. Dark coloured booties are just too abrupt for these pants.

What do you like to wear when you are on the plane? :)  

Below are some of the photos I took! Enjoy~ :)


I'll be updating a lot of outfits from my travel. Until next time! xx

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  1. Your photos are beautiful! I have never been to Vegas but would love to go. Venice either haha... but like you said, it's a bit further! :P

    1. Thanks Robyn! We didn't stay long at Vegas. It was just a transfer, would love to go back again to try their famous buffets!
