My 2016

by - 12/31/2016

Let go of what was and embrace what is to be.
– Lailah Gifty Akita

What a year! 2016 has been a somewhat bumpy ride, but filled with joy and gratitude. My life will never be the same again, but I embrace this change with so much thankfulness. It's been the most difficult year yet but so rewarding in the end. As I look back I'm so thankful to all my friends and family for their support and love, and from the blogsphere! Everyone one of your sweet comments just brightens up my day in the most unexpected way. Thank you! and Happy New Year loves!

Bisous xx

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  1. You look lovely in all these images Angela! I'm glad to hear that 2016 was ultimately such a positive year for you, despite the ups and downs!

    Wishing you a truly fabulous year ahead! I hope 2017 is your best year yet, and you go from strength to strength!

    Lots of love Saba xx

    1. Thanks Saba for always leaving the sweetest messages <3
      Wishing you an amazing 2017 too! Hope all your dreams come true! xx
