Shopping: The Pink Engagement Ring Trend

by - 3/06/2018

If your girl is ultra feminine, loves a bit of vintage and prefers something unique and non-traditional you can consider getting her a pink engagement ring. There seems to be a trend going on with the celebrities & fashion bloggers too. 

A pink diamond ring is not something you come across every day. Before you part with your money, you will want to locate a reputable retailer you can trust. You can discover beautiful pink diamonds at The Diamond Jewellery Studio. They have built up an established name in the industry and have a stunning array of pink diamond rings.

So, if you are thinking about proposing with a pink diamond engagement ring or choosing one for yourself, here are some great reasons for doing so.

·         It’s the shade of love

Pink has several positive connotations from lover to innocence and because it is so rare, there is also even more reason to choose it. For an engagement, you want something that is truly unique and a stone which represents the depths of your relationship.

·         It’s non-traditional

Pink is more of a mysterious shade for a diamond. Scientists still cannot fully pinpoint the reason for them containing pink like they can with other shades such as blue. This is because no trace elements can be found. The pinks can also come in different intensities depending on the defects in the diamond’s grain.

·         They are very rare

We all know diamonds are not “rare” or “scarce” but are being controlled. Pink diamond however, is extremely rare, they are also very expensive. Millions of diamonds get mined annually and only less than 1% constitutes fancy shades such as pink.

·         They are absolutely stunning

There is no other shade quite like it. The person who gives it to another is giving them something unforgettable. This is why its the perfect stone for an engagement ring.

·         Pink comes in many shades

People think pink is just pink however you can get shades on a scale from intense and pure to those containing a mix. Even so, pink diamonds usually have a secondary shade giving it that extra bit of uniqueness.

Pink is my favourite colour so it comes with no surprise that my engagement ring is pink! I have a pink moissanite however for a more economical and ethical reason. If your girl absolutely loves pink and does not care for a diamond, you can also consider the option of getting her a pink gemstone such as moissanite, morganite or pink sapphire. Which ever engagement ring you end up getting, I’m sure it will be the most unique and special for your relationship!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great one my darlings!

Bisous, xx

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  1. The rings look so pretty!

  2. Oh wow. It look so beautiful. Loving the gorgeous and feminine style of this ring trend .

    Jessica |
