My 2015

by - 12/31/2015

Treasure what you have, let go of what you've lost. 
To a new life, a new year where everything is possible.

2015 珍惜一切, 就算沒有擁有.
2016 為了我們的將來,勇敢再勇敢!

Can you believe 2015 just flew by like that?! My 2015 had been a roller coaster ride, full of laughter, joy, tears & heartaches. It's been the toughest year for me yet, but because of that I grew to realise what's my priority in life. So I choose to see how blessed I am, how much I actually possessed and not to dwell on what I've lost. 

I'm excited to kept this blog running for more than a year now, and to receive my very first sponsors & features in 2015. I really didn't expect much when I started my blog. I just wanted a visual diary of what I wore, and to have a creative outlet. I'm very grateful to all my followers and my lovely readers for their sweet comments. You guys truly made my day! I hope everyone had a great 2015! Here's to 2016! To dreams, adventures & love! 

Bisous xx

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  1. looked like such a great year, loving all your looks have a fabulous 2016!


  2. You look beautiful in all the looks Angela. Congratulations on your blogging accomplishments over the past year. You should feel really proud of yourself for that.

    It's always lovely to see your gorgeous outfits and images.

    Saba x

    1. Awww thank you for always leaving encouraging and sweet comments Saba! It really helps to keep me motivated to blog xx

  3. It's absolutely my pleasure Angela! Keep up the good work!

